Beating those Monday Blues

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great and fun weekend!
My weekend was spent working, with leaving one location and beginning at another, it has been a slightly stressful time the last few weeks with all that goes with transferring locations.

And with the changes life brings it can be hard to know how to handle certain situations with a positive outlook. The Monday blues are a definite reality so I wanted to share my personal tips on how to get through to end the day on a happier note and creating a successful week!

1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I know as a fact that personally having breakfast in the morning whether it be a smoothie or a veggie scramble gives me so much energy! I feel more motivated and therefore more successful throughout my day. My body is getting all the essential vitamins and minerals it needs, plus my brain doesn't feel so foggy, I feel more focused than I would be without it! Not to mention I personally love a good breakfast or brunch with coffee, automatically making my day better from the start!

2. Listen to your favorite tunes while getting ready

When I get the chance to listen to my favorite music or artists in the morning when I am not in a rush it really puts me in a positive place! Dancing around helps me feel more motivated and productive, like I can really take on the day! Make a playlist of all your favorite songs at the moment or simply turn on the radio to your favorite station and sing along! Currently I am loving Kaleo and Judah & the Lion who I get to see with Brandon in April, cannot wait!

3. Make time for physical activity

I'll be honest that I am a fan of sleeping in; being more of the night person I am makes it difficult to get up early but I do love working out and being healthy! I do not make enough time for it as I should but when I get a chance I feel great especially when it becomes part of my routine!

This new year I have definitely wanted to make my health and fitness more of a priority and there is no denying that starting the week off with a great work out makes for a better week! Plus ending a work day with a work out can help with releasing any stress work brings, helping create a more positive outlook on the day and week and improving your mental and physical health!

I love being outdoors so going on a nice walk or jog when it is not raining or a hike are some of my favorite ways to get physical activity! Living in Washington though it rains a fair amount so I'll go to my local gym or I'll do yoga or pilates videos at home from Youtube. Youtube has a ton of great videos and sources, find something that works for you! Getting started can be the hardest part but it is definitely worth it!

4. Be clean & organized!

Having a clean home is so important for my mental health. When my home is clean, I want to do my best to keep it clean and organized. It clears my mind so I can focus on more for work or my artistic ventures and plus it helps set a positive tone for the week and start it off right! 

5. Make a plan for the day or week

I am a planner, I like to keep things organized and in check with everything that needs to get done for the day, week, or month. This definitely goes hand in hand with having a clean home. Approaching a Monday or any day with a positive outlook can really help foster that positive mood and tone for a productive day and week.

What do you like to do to combat those Monday blues?! Cheers and have a great week!