First thing first...
Good Afternoon and welcome to The Flourishing Hippie!
I am a 28 year old little lady living with her bearded man and Maine Coon kitty Dumbledore in the Pacific Northwest just outside of Seattle, WA. I am an artsy, nature/hiking lover, and coffee enthusiast! I am driven by many arts forms and this blog is a way for me to share my passions with you, and I am so excited!
I will be featuring posts including my favorite brands of makeup that I am currently using along with tutorials. Items you can make in the comfort of your own home and healthy delicious recipes and comfort foods. I will also take you on hiking adventures on #wildwednesdays and showcase how to live a cheap and sustainable lifestyle by finding specialty pieces and how to refurbish them on #thriftythursdays.
There will be many adventures to come, thank you for coming on my journey.